Recently, a new giant art piece was added to the city of New York.
A new piece created by Anish Kapoor.
His previous work “cloud gate” which is located in
the city of Chicago is well known and revered.
Some do not share the “same enthusiasm” for his new piece
which represents a giant legume (bean) being squashed by
the corner of the building under which it sits.
And yet…
Others are flocking to see the new giant bean and enjoy it.
Perhaps you area fan, or perhaps you…
“Couldn’t care less”
In either case, all is fine and good.
But here is the point to all this:
Stainless Steel
Yes, both structures are made of stainless steel.
In fact, the “Cloud Gate” is made of 168 plates
of stainless steel that are welded together.
And the recent giant bean (nicknamed “Mini-Bean”)
is a 19 foot tall–40 ton piece. It is also made of
stainless steel.
It just goes to show that applications are limitless.
And whatever your application needs are,
our stainless steel shim stock is sure to
“do the trick”.
Have a look:
As a “Thank you for reading”…
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